So I guess the question you are asking is why does this blog exist? Why am I bothering to spend my time trying to find things to write? "So you make cakes, great, have fun, just don't shout about it"? I thought so too, and then I started to get people asking to see pictures of our cakes - I was left with three decisions: 1. Create a website; 2. Carry a photo album around with me; or 3. Just be rude and say no. Well I'm too forgetful to remember to carry the photo album, and too nice to say no (haha), so that left the web-site. Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to create a website so blogger was the next best option.
So I guess some background is in order: This is a two person effort (myself and my wife) and it really does take both of us to create a good looking cake - we have both tried individually, and the results were worthy of either Dr Frankenstein or Salvador Dali (or in some cases, both). Neither of us are bakers, or involved in the food industry in any manner - we are just parents, out to create cakes for our kids.
Have fun browsing, and please feel free to send an email with any criticisms, comments or thoughts.